A CRITICISM OF MODERN LIFE H owever, science and technology bring improvement in the quality of our life in many ways; it also resulted in many new Crises. Pollution, crowding, competition, social insecurity, unemployment, violence, loneliness………are all the accompaniments of modern living. One is also subjected to prejudice, discrimination, exploitation, and torture because of one’s belongingness to a particular social class, religion or regional influence. The development in the field of science and technology is a boon as well as a bane to us; No doubt there is development in many different fields like those of the medical science, engineering, information & technology (IT Sector). There is also a set of new emerging fields of science like biotechnology, genetic engineering, Nano- technology and so on. But what are the uses of these sciences and technologies if these are not able to fulfill our basic requirements and necessities. With the developments i...