
Showing posts from February, 2018


Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam What a piece of work is man! How noble in reason! How infinite in faculties…. Shakespeare’s evocation of the infinite faculties of man represents his full faith in man’s ability to scale the heights of thought, love and beauty. It is the power of emotion and reason which sets the Homo sapiens apart from other creatures. It is the utilization of these qualities, which moulds the personality of an individual and makes him different from others. However this century has witnessed mankind utilizing these infinite faculties in adopting a soul destroying sensualist and materialistic way of life. Man’s infatuation with machines had turned man mechanical, dull and devoid of noble sentiments. Everything for modern man is calculated in terms of profit, loss and facts. There is no space for human emotions and feelings; intellect dominates sentiments and feeling, taking somewhat the human soul away from the human. We are forgetting that body without a sou...


CHANGING LIFE STYLE People of the present day have undergone a massive change not only in maintaining their living standards, but also in their habits, societal manner, ethical values, and ways of thinking. The so called modern age of ours is an age of rapid flux and inexplicable complexity; the present day is characterized by very rapid and sweeping changes along with large masses of people being tilted towards, rather being driven by machines and technology. In every outward and inward sense; the present age with its whole undivided might, forwards, teaches, and practices the great art of adapting means to ends. “Nothing is now done directly, or by hand (manually); all is rule and calculated contrivance”. On every hand, the living artisan is driven from his workshop to make room for a speedier lifeless appliance because of his inability to compete with the cheap mechanized product of the factories. Along these lines we see a drastic change in each and every sphere of...