Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam

What a piece of work is man!
How noble in reason!
How infinite in faculties….

Shakespeare’s evocation of the infinite faculties of man represents his full faith in man’s ability to scale the heights of thought, love and beauty. It is the power of emotion and reason which sets the Homo sapiens apart from other creatures. It is the utilization of these qualities, which moulds the personality of an individual and makes him different from others. However this century has witnessed mankind utilizing these infinite faculties in adopting a soul destroying sensualist and materialistic way of life. Man’s infatuation with machines had turned man mechanical, dull and devoid of noble sentiments. Everything for modern man is calculated in terms of profit, loss and facts. There is no space for human emotions and feelings; intellect dominates sentiments and feeling, taking somewhat the human soul away from the human. We are forgetting that body without a soul is nothing but a rotting carcass, Man has fettered himself to struggling for dust of the world, leaving aside the divine he is running behind the mundane.

              Consequently there is gradual erosion in the values, this loss of values alienate one individual from other wearing away mutual faith and trust among fellowmen. Wherever one looks around there is chaos, conflicts and riots, further we go on dividing ourselves in the name of race, religion, caste and so...  why is there so much difference? Has God the supreme creator divided us or grouped us into caste, religion, or ethnic group. No we mortal human beings only divide ourselves. If the “Paramatma is one”, then how can an “Atma” be different? If Atma is different how then can it ultimately be dissolved in the Paramatma? If the whole ocean is one how then a drop of the ocean be different from the ocean? If the drop is different from the ocean how then can it ultimately be dissolved in it? Now we all live in the same planet, covered by the same skies, gazing at the same stars, taking the energy and vibes from the same sun, even breathing the same air, how can we be different. Even the Present day scientists, after a great many research have reached the conclusion that the whole cosmos is an interconnected oneness. The whole existence is interwoven and inter-dependent. This is the result of Quantum physics, i.e. the whole existence is an unbroken wholeness. However this eternal truth was long ago discovered by the saints and philosophers who believed in the idea of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam”, i.e. the whole world is a single family. Thus even though the present world is covered with ominous darkness of which one only hears confused protestations, mutual hatred and sagas of suffering and misery, there is still some vestiges of hope left, with this divine and noble truth of “vasudhaiva kutumbakam” the world can be made a better place to live in, without any sort of discrimination, prejudice and bigotry so that posterity can echo and prosper and sing aloud the music of humanity.


  1. Ur thought on being togetherness is embellished well by ur words...Keep it up

  2. We’re more connected than ever, yet somehow more disconnected."modern life style


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